Monday Muses

Firstly I would like to apologise for the lack of blog posts last week. Between stress and feeling unwell, I decided to take a break. 

The last two weeks have been yet more time with nothing in particular inspiring me this week. 

Has anything inspired you this week? 

Monday Muses


This is one of those weeks where nothing in particular stands out as inspirational. I saw Harry Potter and the Cursed Child on Wednesday which was inspiring, but then so was the Chronicles of Narnia!

Is there anything that stands out as inspirational for you this week? 

Monday Muses

This week I was inspired by two things, related to fairytales. 

TV Tropes: knowing what tropes are in fairytales has helped me work out how to subvert them and add them to my book in a way that suits my vision

Reading: my reading in the past week has helped me see how things can be familiar but still have a fun twist, something I really want for this book and collection. 

What inspired you this week? 

Monday Muses


This week I was inspired by the likes of Sherlock and other murder mysteries. Why? Because while they are different genres to what I’m working on, they helped me work out things in relation to plot and how twists and turns best work. 

What inspired you this week? 

Monday Muses


This week I’ve finished #FoundlingsYA, and started a new project, After Ever After, yesterday (Sunday). 

As a result, I can’t pick out anything inspiring because nothing has stuck! 

Did anything inspire you this week? 

Monday Muses 

Firstly, I would like to apologise for not doing a blog post last week. It stupidly slipped my mind. 

Over the past two weeks I have been inspired by one thing in particular: the TV show Dickensian. Putting Dickens characters together and in situations that lead to events of their books, it me no surprise that it’s really inspiring at the moment. 

What has inspired you?